ADAPTmap questionnaires

Dear ADAPTmap partner,

the following are the questionnaires available to all participants of this initiative:

  1. First ADAPTmap questionnaire: (For projects/groups interested in the initiative). This is a questionnaire where all potential participants can input general information about their project(s), the breed(s) they're going to genotype / sequence, and their willingness to participate to the ADAPTmap initiative. To access this questionnaire, click here (google).

  2. Second ADAPTmap questionnaire: (For projects participating to the initiative). This simple form allows participants to the ADAPTmap initiative to communicate the type/amount of data available, their objectives and their ideas on some specific issues. To download this questionnaire, click here (word document). Please send it filled to adaptmap [at] tecnoparco [dot] org.
  3. Third ADAPTmap questionnaire (For possible extra-contributions from ADAPTmap participants). This questionnaire collects information about possible "extra" contributions, such as economical contributions, or contributions with biological samples that couldn't be genotyped/sequenced by partners, but that could be available to ADAPTmap. We gather this information because new projects and interactions between partners might allow to sequence or genotype some interesting populations/breeds within the ADAPTmap initiative. To access this questionnaire, click here (google).